Clay and Nithya, two archeologists out on a hike in the Kamchatka Peninsula uncover a mysterious buried temple which will have dire consequences upon their lives... if they can get home in one piece.
Archaeological partners Clay and Nithya make an unexpected discovery that could change everything for them.
Clay and Nithya awaken in confusion to find their archaeological discovery has up and vanished, along with two days.
As Clay and Nithya being their hike back, a number of little things about the whole experience begin to nag at them, including the unwelcome new appendage emerging from Nithya's back.
Clay and Nithya awaken, finding their strange new condition has begun to spread, leading to questions of curses and next steps.
As the curse spreads, Nithya and Clay struggle with how best to adapt... struggling how much to accept, and how much to deny it all.
With the changes accelerating, Nithya and Clay make an uncomfortable discovery that they've been going in circles.
Mysterious Dreams and further changes prompt Nithya and Clay to change course, to return to the site of the temple to hopefully find a solution before they change completely.
As new instincts, senses, and muscles seek to overwhelm them, Nithya and Clay fall back on the most base human instinct to keep their sanity; Puns.
Returning to the Temple, Nithya makes progress on deciphering the ritual, while Clay contemplates what this all means for his field of study.
Clay awakens to a much more drastic change than any before, and as Nithya tries to comfort him, the two resolve to enter the heart of the temple once more.
To appease the goddess, the trespassers must complete the first ritual, inviting the goddess in, and completing their transformations to keep their minds intact.
The first ritual complete, Clay struggles with the changes to her new body, above and beyond the deer part, as Nithya tries to comfort him.
Analysis and considerations for the changes that have taken place, Clay and Nithya study one another, to a point, as they try to decide how soon they should perform the second ritual to restore their human forms.
Packing up to head out, Clay and Nithya deal with the more logisitical problems of their new forms, and Nithya comes to a rather disturbing realization about herself.
Moving forward before they can change their minds, Nithya leads Clay through the second ritual, to restore their human forms... but not everything goes as planned.
With the ritual behind them, Clay and Nithya move closer to a town and a return to civilization... except, the ritual doesn't quite work as they had hoped, and they soon find themselves changing once more.
Checked into a hotel, Clay and Nithya enjoy a moment of peace and introspection.
A stressful flight out of Russia and into Japan sees Nithya and Clay arrive at another hotel in Sapporo, where the stress relief and pent up emotions lead to some deep admissions to one another.
With the immediate passion ebbing, Nithya and Clay confirm what they want from one another.
Doing their best to sneak into the park adjacent to the hotel, Clay and Nithya perform the ritual to prepare for a day in Sapporo, and even to plan a date.
After some dress shopping, Nithya and Clay go out for a date at a Ramen place, as they talk over their futures together.
Spending several days in Japan, Nithya and Clay practice with their changes, and their relationship, as they get used to the idea of being deer, and with one another.
Getting all too comfortable with one another, Nithya and Clay oversleep and miss the ritual to change them back to human on the day they need to check out of the hotel, and to make the decisions on the next leg of their journey.
A rough flight to Hawaii forces Nithya and Clay to delay their hotel reservation and instead journey onto the trails of a Hawaiian national park, where the two deer intend to camp together for the night.
Stray thoughts of bells and harnesses lead to a bit of deeper talk of Clay's imaginings from before the changes.
Hiking and camping out in the deep woods of the Hawaiian national park, Clay fumbles through revelations about her identity, sharing her thoughts with Nithya.
Clay comes to a deep decision, a new name to match her new self, and with fumbling introductions to Nithya, 'Elanor' accidentally proposes marriage as well.
In control of their changes once more, Nithya and Elanor reach a hotel room, and make their plans to leave Hawaii for home at last, all while musing about potential others who might have similar forms to them out there somewhere in the world.
Some time after their adventure, Elanor and Nithya explore one another in their new home woods, finally comfortable in themselves, their new forms, and their new home well enough to finally give in to the passions for one another. (NSFW)