Changing Spirits - Deerly Beloved.

Chapter 22: Closeness.

Previous: Chapter 21 Next: Chapter 23

Three Days Later, early evening.

Nithya sighs happily as the pair closes the door behind them once again. They have switched their hotel room to a couples' one, with one big bed and a bathtub they can share, while they have slowly settled to a rhythm of sorts with their changes (and dating), usually changing to human in the pre-dawn hours of the morning, and making their way back to the hotel room at a reasonable time before the change back to deer starts knocking.

What time they haven't spent on figuring out the limits of their shapeshifting, they have spent on dating and getting to know each other.

"Ahh. So good to be back here. I don't even have my tail yet and it's itching to be let out..."

Clay hums happily, a strange but slowly familiar sense of excitement coming over her as she knows what is about to happen. "Even without waiting so long the changes start to just 'happen', it's like the deer know we're about to let up and let the changes happen."

Nithya shrugs. "Deer know. We know." She gives Clay a kiss on the cheek, then starts taking her clothes off with a smile on her face.

Clay blushes at the kiss, and joins Nithya, removing her own dress and starting to let the changes come, "Guess at this point, there's not much difference between them and us, huh?"

Nithya mm's from inside her dress as she gets it off from her. "Mm, I mean, 'them' kinda are us, Clay." She smiles once she has her dress off, only sporting her underwear now.

Clay struggles a little, still getting used to wearing dresses, but it doesn't take her long to get it off. She looks over at Nithya, and while the sight of her in her underwear isn't something new to her, the two having long ago set modesty aside around one another, she does feel a certain new level of appreciation for her girlfriends figure. "Oh, you are so sexy..."

She blinks, setting her dress aside carefully, "But... It's still weird to think like that. To me at least. The deer... I guess there's still a bit of fight in me that wants to say that this is the real us. ...even if evidence begins to sway the hypothesis to the other side."

Nithya smiles, blushing slightly at the compliment. She swallows as she makes her way to the king size bed and sits down. "I know what you feel. Like we should fight it. Argue that we are still human. And..." She looks at Clay and smiles, shifting her tail in view: "Evidence does kinda point the other way pretty much daily."

Clay steps closer to sit besides Nithya, as her coat of fur is coming in across her arms, "We are still human... we're just... something else on top of that." She sighs, "I've had so much to grapple with on the gender side of things, I've just pushed the deer stuff out of my head sometimes..."

Nithya touches Clay's arm, feeling the fur grow and spread under her palm. She smiles: "Understandable. It's still so much to just... grasp, even if we have more or less made peace with it happening."

Clay shivers at Nithya's touch, the feeling of the pressure over top of the growing fur is strangely electric, "It... does feel good though. It feels right. It's only felt more right the more we've shifted... I can't deny that any longer. It really is just 'us' now, isn't it? There wasn't ever some magical deer we were fighting against. Just ourselves..."

Nithya nods, shifting her legs as her hooves start to form. "That's kinda where my mind has been going towards as well. We... We gain a lot of traits with the form, but at no point have I felt like anyone but me was in my head." She takes a breath. "There is no deer besides us."

Clay takes in a deep breath, muzzle and snout forming as the changes reach her head, "And some of those instincts are extending between these two forms... those are the normal now. It's a little scary... even when we know we'll be okay through it all." She reaches her hand out to take Nithya's. "No deer besides us..." She lets out the breath.

Nithya smiles, her hand going up to Clay's shoulder: "It's just us. And since we're the only does we know, we should stick together. We both kinda pick up things the other misses, about this."

Clay nods, "You're not wrong. But I didn't plan on splitting. Deer or no, you're who I want to be with."

Nithya grins, shifting her changing rear to be closer to Clay's: "You got that right. My place is right here." She gives Clay's newly formed snout a still very human kiss. "My pretty Sika doe~"

Clay blushes, her ears flicking forward as she kisses back, her free hand strays down to Nithya's tail and brushes along her back, tracing the path of fur. "I wonder if I find you so beautiful as a deer because of these changes, or because it's still you?"

Nithya giggles at the touch, her tail flicking against Clay's hand. "Eep! That feels so weird...!"

She blushes, looking at Clay demurely: "And uh, I don't know. I have difficulty imagining the man you were, because I'm kinda madly in love with the woman you are... and the doe you are."

Clay kisses Nithya again, a gentle peck, hand still roaming against her, as she feels her own legs begin to shift position, "I feel the same... both of you... all of you. Every curve and hoof and hair."

Nithya smirks, shivering a bit: "Y-yep. You're hot in both forms." She then lifts her palm to Clay's chest: "Not that I need to tell you, but I love you for all of you, not just what you look like."

Clay blushes, "You... you don't. But it's good to hear. There's that little doubt in my mind, you know? That fear that this only happened because I changed... because I know this couldn't be if I were still male... and I know it's not only because of the looks... but it's still good to hear."

Nithya hesitates for a second. "I... I have to be honest, I could never really imagine dating you as a guy." She glances aside: "Maybe it's a bit shallow of me, but it's hard to exactly choose how one is attracted, right?"

Clay chuckles, "I'm not suggesting this is wrong because you didn't date me before, or wrong that you're only physically attracted to me now." She reaches a hand to Nithya's cheek, "For what it's worth... I think I'd still be happy like this even if you hadn't wanted to date me. You have made it so much easier for me to accept these changes, but... but I'd still want to be female regardless."

Nithya smiles, a stray tear escaping. "I... I know. All of that, I think. But... you know. There's a tiny part of me that's a bit guilty I only feel attraction now that you're a lady like me."

Clay pulls Nithya in closer. "It's alright... My fear is that the new attraction is the only part of this. Which you've said it's not. And I know it's not. If there's still any doubt, we just have to prove it by sticking together."

Nithya sighs, then leans forward for a teary-eyed kiss even as her face pushes forward into a deer's snout.

Clay squeeze her gently and kisses back, even as Nithya's snout emerges. "Th-there is something strangely thrilling about that... touching and kissing and holding you during the change."

Nithya mms: "T-talk about things I could not experience with anyone else." She holds Clay close: "I'm sorry. I shouldn't... I know it doesn't matter, but it matters to me..."

Clay hums in response, holding tight, "Ah, no, I'm sorry too."

Nithya holds Clay for a long moment, then sniffs. "I'm fine... I'm..." She looks down: "...fully changed, it seems." She shrugs.

Clay nods, not letting go either, she doesn't look down at herself, but can just feel that it's over, "Me too, yeah."

Nithya slowly smiles, then lets out a long breath as she still holds Clay close.

" does feel better to cuddle with fur."

Clay chuckles, "That is one benefit, yeah... it's very soft, somehow. I always thought deer fur was supposed to be more coarse."

Nithya shrugs, giggling: "Maybe it is, and we're just special kind of deer." She hums, glancing at her own fur: "Although the fact that we match two species of deer native to India and Japan kinda says it's not that simple."

Clay pecks Nithya on the cheek, "None of this has been simple...I have absolutely no idea why I'm a Sika doe, it makes zero sense."

Nithya hums: "Some part of your family tree that you haven't been in the know of? I dunno. Guess my case is obvious, if I was like few years older when I moved to US I'd probably remember seeing Chital deer..."

Clay: "If that's even the reason... worth researching to see if there actually is correlation there, maybe." She sighs, "Regardless, you do make a lovely doe."

Nithya: "I'd call you out for a bias in this research, but I think that's too obvious a statement."

Clay giggles, "Maybe. I'm certainly not trying to hide it." She pauses a moment to look Nithya in the eyes, "You... sure you're okay? I just... want to be sure. I love you, and I have full trust that you love me for all the right reasons."

Nithya considers for a second, then slowly nods with a smile: "I am. As long as you aren't forgetting who you were, and who you are now... I have no reason to doubt you, and therefore no reason to doubt myself. I do love you, Clay, on some level I always have, now I just... I suppose to be a bit crass, 'add the physical' to it."

Clay softens her expression into an adoring smile, "I can't get around the fact that I have changed .. a lot. Not just how I look but how I feel about a lot of things... I don't even feel like a 'Clay' anymore sometimes..." She swallows nervously, not realizing how hard that would be to admit.

"B-but I still know who I was. And even if I'm trying to learn who exactly I am now... the core is the same. I'm still your best friend. The whole package... bad jokes and sleeping in, awkward timing and terrible gut feelings that pull you into the worst adventures imaginable. But also, you know I'll never give up on a friend. I'll bust my ass to make you feel better when you're down..."

She sniffles, putting a hand on her own chest, "New wrapping... a few new bows and sparkles... same package. I promise."

Nithya smiles warmly, trying her darnest to neat tear up: "I-I... that's all I can ask for. Heck, that's more than I can ask for, if I can ask for anything..." She swallows, gathering herself.

"..if you do not feel like, well Clay... is there another word, another name really, that you feel might fit... better?"

Clay glances up, "I... I don't know. A few popped to mind, but none of them sound right. There is one idea, but it might be too silly... I'll think on it."

Nithya gives Clay's cheek a nuzzle: "I think we passed the threshold for 'silly' about three weeks ago. I'm curious, what's on your mind?"

Clay blushes a bit in embarrassment, "I mean, what could possibly be more 'me' than my name being a pun? I sorta thought... maybe 'Sika'?"

Nithya considers, then shakes her head. "That word... while yes, it's the name of your deer species as it were..." She takes a breath, then winces. "It also means 'pig' in Finnish."

Clay coughs, letting out a startled laugh, "Ha! See, suddenly it doesn't sound so good?"

Nithya giggles: "To say the least. Like, sure, you're not able to pick a name that's not something stupid on some language, I'm pretty sure 'Nithya' means something dumb somewhere on this planet, but..." She shrugs.

Clay continues to laugh, recovering, "Point made, yes. I'll think of something almost but not quite as stupid, I promise."

Nithya hums, then shrugs. "Either you'll figure out one, or we will together browse stuff til we find one that hits."

Clay leans against Nithya, "Yeah, would be nice to look together... we'll figure something out."

Nithya smiles as she leans: "Yes, we will." She then grabs Clay into a hug and pulls both of them onto the bed on their backs: "C'mere!"

Clay giggles, falling back onto the bed at Nithya's urging, "Oh! Hehe, oh my! So insistent!"

Nithya mmrms as she hugs Clay into the bed: "Can't help it, it's the doe overpowering my will..." She gives Clay's snout a peck: "Or it's just me and I want to snuggle and hug you so much right now. Your pick."

Clay laughs, humming as she nestles alongside Nithya, "Well, I will have to blame the doe. But our previous conclusion has been that the doe is you, so must be that you want to snuggle. But the doe in me wants it too... more research is needed."

Nithya gives Clay's cheek a kiss: "Such a mystery. More data is needed. Like what your teats feel like if I..." Her hands wander to lightly brush at Clay's teats, just feeling them, fur against fur against teat.

Clay lets out a gentle moan, "W-well I can report on my end that they are sensitive~. Does feel good~" She reaches her hand down towards Nithya's own teats to caress them in return.

Nithya lets out a tiny squeak in return: "Y-yup, that... that definitely works. Oh boy." She leans back onto the pillows, smiling at Clay: "I think I could get used to this."

Clay giggles, "It's a lot to get used to, but I think we're finding lots of reasons why it's not all that bad~"

Nithya mm's, her hand letting go of Clay's teats for the moment and just resting there. "...definitely. This is absolutely, completely crazy from an objective point of view... and I don't care. I love this. I love you."

Clay nestles in closer, "...Weird to admit, but... Same. I love you~"

Nithya smiles and snugs closer as she closes her eyes. "Maybe not that weird."

Clay hums, running one hand along Nithya's back, "Hmmm... maybe not, no." She leans in to peck Nithya's snout.

Nithya giggles, opening her eyes to look at Clay: "Mm, still as sneaky as ever, are you."

Clay grins, winking. "Sorry. You're very hard to resist."

Nithya runs her hand on Clay's hear and just slightly pulls Clay in for a kiss. "Mm, funny that."

Clay flicks her ear, giggling, leaning in at Nithya's insistence for a more proper kiss. "Yeah, funny~."

Nithya mm's softly: "I have to admit, I love the feeling of fur on fur. Dunno, just feels... right, in some way. Soft. Encouraging."

Clay hums, "It... I guess it does, yeah. I just like the feel of your fur along my hand." She strokes along Nithya's back again.

Nithya shivers softly: "Y-yeah. It feels great." She considers, looking at Clay with lidded eyes: "...if the deer and me want the same thing, suppose that's some proof that there is no separate entities up here. W'e just us."

Clay smiles, staring into Nithya's eyes, "That's pretty good evidence... I... don't even know which part wants to be this close to you... well, I mean, All of me wants to be with you. So that is just further proof to your hypothesis."

Nithya nods, leaning close: "Yeah. Pretty much. I just... want to be here, for you, for... always, really." She nuzzles softly at Clay's nose. "Mmm..."

Clay giggles, nuzzling back softly, "Yeah... For always."

Nithya smiles, leaning close. "Just... your body feels wonderful to me, but that it's you, feels just as good. If that makes sense."

Clay hums, shifting a leg to entwine with Nithya's as they draw closer. "Makes complete sense, since I feel the same for you."

Nithya smirks: "And I don't think that would be just the deer talking..."

Clay chuckles, "Maybe not. Deer are herd animals... but I don't think they form such strong bonds with their herd mates..."

Nithya hums: "Mm, that we know of."

Clay leans in to peck Nithya once more, "And I guess we don't know if deer snuggle like this either..."

Nithya giggles: "Well for one they certainly lack the hotel bed to do so in, usually~."

Clay runs her hand along Nithya's back once again, down to her tail, "And the hands to make it really worthwhile."

Nithya shivers at the touch at her tail: "There is that. D-dang that feels good."

Clay giggles, obliging Nithya by stroking her tail gently for a moment, "I do wonder. These parts that we don't usually have... they certainly seem to feel more sensitive."

Nithya giggles, in turn having her wanders on touching Clay's breasts: "Does that mean...?"

Clay ooohs! "Y-yes?"

Nithya smiles: "I mean, probably not a huge surprise...~"

Clay chuckles, "I... I kinda knew from a bit of... self exploration... b-but it feels different when you touch them~"

Nithya nods, keeping her hands upon Clay's breasts: "Mmm, I know, right...?" She nuzzles at Clay's neck: "Clearly, we need to do more science on this..." She then blinks and chuckles: "...even if it might the most researched subject on this planet..."

Clay shivers as she runs her hand around to Nithya's teats, "We have a pretty unique take on it, I think... for a couple reasons."

Nithya giggles, both at the touch and the words: "Ehe, heh, you're not wrong."

Clay keeps her hand there, gently caressing Nithya's teats, "A few unique experiences between us... and we do both love science~"

Nithya mm's, just holding Clay close. "Sexy science. Though we lack labcoats."

Clay giggles, "Don't know how well the labcoats would look on fur anyways."

Nithya hums: "Clearly, we have to find out. For sexy science." She smiles and gives Clay a peck: "Or we could sport that sort of Lara Croft look, we certainly both have the curves for that now."

Clay giggles, "Short cut offs and the tightest top we could find? I don't know, maybe~."

Nithya giggles, waving a hand: "Or something. Really I just want to be with you, any dressing up is... A... Bonus." She trails off. "Huh. Never been one for dressing up before, but when I'm with you, it's like I've found this extra layer of wanting to look pretty with you."

Clay blushes, "Well, that's good, right? I can say much of the same, never really wanted to dress up... didn't really care what I wore, beyond it being functional. But now I want to look cute for you, in a way I never cared much about before."

She pauses, glancing away, "Though, I might have gotten around to dressing cute for myself in time too."

Nithya smiles: "Kind of feeling the same. You know I didn't care to dress up much at all. But now... When you look at me the way you do when I have a dress on... And how you look in one..."

Clay grins, "Cause you look incredible! Dressed or... not..." She takes a moment to look down Nithya's body. "When you're in a dress you're just so sexy it blows my mind."

Nithya smirks: "Oh? Then I might have to make a habit of it, especially if it inspires you to dress up so my mind can also be relatively blown."

Clay squeezes her hands around Nithya and nods, "I would love to be the one to do that~. Might still need a bit of help in picking things out, of course, but I will do my best to blow your mind~"

Nithya giggles softly: "It's not like I know anything either. We can explore together." She nuzzles at Clay's neck: "One day at a time."

Clay hums, stretching her head up to feel Nithya's nuzzle. "I love you~. I am so excited by the idea of doing this with you every day of my life.... deer, human, dates, dresses, whatever it is we're doing. Together."

Nithya hums: "Yes... very much... guess it qualifies as one of those things you don't know you were missing, but when you have it, you never want to let go..."

Clay nods. "Y-yeah... yeah, that is how I feel here." She sniffles slightly, smiling, "I'm just so happy, here, now. With you."

Nithya leans to give Clay's snout a soft peck. "Pretty much~. My heart is going in circles and it always ends up pointing at you, if that makes sense. Whatever we had before... This just feels better."

Clay chuckles, ears folding down as she closes her eyes, "It doesn't make much sense, but I'll take it. My heart says to trust you, and hold you, to never let go because it has always wanted this but been so lonely, knowing it wasn't possible. But here we are."

Nithya nods, giving a soft laugh. "How is it that because it was impossible before, or at least felt like it, we're both thinking somewhere in the backs of our minds like there's something wrong with enjoying it now that things are changed?" She shakes her head slightly: "Should just enjoy things."

Clay hums, "It...maybe fear? Or... disbelief? That if I try to hold on too tight it won't be real..." She leans in to kiss Nithya, "Holding you is all I want to do~"

Nithya kisses back, mm'ing: "Y-yeah... almost like 'too good to be true', since our whole reality has been shaken up..."

Clay chuckles, "Well, if it is just a dream, we should do what we can to make every second matter." She pulls close to kiss again, more passionately this time.

Nithya melts into the kiss, smiling as she closes her eyes.

Clay holds the kiss for a long moment, finally pulling away with a breath, "Still here with me?"

Nithya blinks, then giggles with a blush: "Y-yeah. Right where I want to be."

Clay giggles along, "We'll probably need to repeat that test in the future, just to be sure. A-and... because we want to~"

Nithya smirks: "Sounds like a plan to me." She sighs contentedly, leaning back: "Just... wanna share my life with you."

Clay lets herself settle into the bed and nestles up besides Nithya, "Me too."

Nithya smiles and snuggles close: "All this deer stuff... I would almost dare say it's worth the price of admission for the... other things we have found out..."

Clay: "Yeah... yeah, for what I've gotten... I'll gladly take the deer stuff."

Nithya: "As long as you're sure... which you've definitely sounded like last few days." She leans for another soft kiss.

Clay nods, kissing back, "For the first time... I am. I'm very sure."

Nithya smiles warmly after the kiss: "Then... I have no doubts either. I love you."

Clay rests her head against Nithya's shoulder and smiles, "I love you too."

Previous: Chapter 21 Next: Chapter 23
