Previous: Chapter 27 Next: Chapter 29
Honolulu Hotel - Evening.
Elanor snugs that doe tight.
Nithya hugs with a smile: "We do make a sexy pair, even if we will ever be the only ones to see the doe side."
Elanor blushes, "We're pretty sexy both as does and not, at least. I... Still sorta weird thinking of myself as 'sexy'."
Nithya lets her hands tickle at Elanor's belly: "Not that weird, to me..."
Elanor squirms, giggling at the touch, "I can't deny it! It's just... Still weird. There's still so much on my mind about this, yet your touch cuts through it all and says 'it 's okay'."
Nithya shrugs: "I mean yeah, if we want to look at it objectively, what happened to us is weird and makes me think if there aren't more like us, out there... but for the right here, right now, it is okay."
Elanor nods, "Y-yeah... Yeah it is okay. But... Others...? That temple was undisturbed. Though... I guess it didn't exactly seem all that disturbed when we left either. Guess if magically transforming two Interlopers is standard, filling in a hole after we'd left would be no problem either."
Nithya looks about their hotel room, on the last night before going for another painfully long flight. She is quiet for a moment.
"I am actually more thinking, where my mind went to... human history has a lot of animal myths."
Elanor hums, the scholarly side coming back out quite readily, "I guess... We did wonder about ancient Egypt when this all started, didn't we? Animal-headed humans or even fully anthropomorphic animals persist in a lot of ancient myths."
Nithya nods, looking up as she thinks: "Considering our ability to... appear human to met outsiders to the tribe, as our instructions sort of put it... I wouldn't put it past it that there are others like us, out there."
Elanor leans back, staring upwards a bit surprised, "Others... I hadn't even considered that there could be more like us today. We've managed... Why couldn't others?"
Nithya nods as she muses: "Of course, we probably have no way of-" She blinks, sniffing with her nose as it occurs to her: "...-we have a much better sense of smell than we once did. Even in human form."
Elanor giggles at the thought, though she does grin rather excitedly, "We could sniff them out?! Ha! Though, that means maybe they could sniff us out too, huh?"
Nithya nods with a wry smile: "Yeah. Guess they would, if they are out there." She sighs for a bit, then shrugs: "We'll cross that bridge if we ever happen to find it, I guess."
Elanor reaches up to boop Nithya's snout. "Something to keep in mind at least... Who knows who we might meet with... it is fascinating to consider."
Nithya hums, giggling after a bit: "A bit fantastic, but then again, I have hooves."
Elanor: "And you're not the only one. So maybe we're not the only ones either." She glances up, thinking. "It's sorta encouraging in a way? Just considering it like that. Like, we're not alone."
Nithya smiles: "Yeah. Maybe, one day... who knows?"
Elanor lets her hand run down to Nithya's side. "Until that day... we have each other, at least. ...Tommorrow isn't going to be easy, but after that, we'll be home."
Nithya chuckles: "Or at least, done with long-ass flights over oceans."
Elanor nods, "Our deer-selves certainly don't appreciate it too much. Not that I was ever all that sold on flying even beforehand."
Nithya nods: "We may need to, er, localize our archaeological pursuits in the future. Re-specialize to North American stuff, kinda?"
Elanor's smile fades slightly, "Hardly what we wanted when we first started, but... that won't be too bad, right? Maybe we can speak with some First Nations groups."
Nithya considers: "It's either that, or start teaching. I don't think we can ever control this enough to be comfortable with long flights again." She pauses. "...not that anyone in the history of ever has probably been comfortable with those."
Elanor chuckles, "Most people just get bored and uncomfortable though. They don't usually grow fur and teats. Heh, I don't think so anyways."
Nithya smirks: "I guess, as noted, we don't know."
Elanor smirks, imaging a plane full of people all panicking about changing just like them, "Guess we don't. Does paint a pretty amusing image, though."
Nithya looks at Elanor: "What are you thinking?"
Elanor chuckles, "Just thinking about a whole plane of folks all holding back the changes, thinking that everyone around them is 'normal', but they're all doing it too. Everyone just assumes they're alone in their struggles, but... they're surrounded by people going through all the same issues. ...there's probably some really deep metaphor there."
Nithya giggles: "Maybe." She hums: "Though realistically thinking, in such a case, the nervous musk would be everywhere, wouldn't it."
Elanor giggles, "We don't smell that bad on the plane, do we? Or do we just not notice it cause we're used to it now?"
Nithya hums: "If I had to guess... to a human sense of smell, we maybe smell a bit... noticeably, but if anyone sharing space with us has our enhance ability... they'd probably notice."
Elanor nods, "No worse than anyone else stuck on a long flight, I would hope... for what it's worth, and yes I know it sounds weird, but I like the way you smell as a deer~."
Nithya blushes a bit: "Well... guess that is fair. I can't deny that your scent... it is pretty alluring to me as well."
Elanor blushes as well, "Maybe that's just because we're so close... lovers... fiancés... guess the only data points we have are each other, which makes it hard. But I can't imagine anyone else will draw me in the way you do."
Nithya nods: "Yeah... there is all that. The smell of love, I guess." She smiles and leans onto Elanor: "Don't mind that at all."
Elanor: "Sounds a lot nicer when you call it that, yeah." She shifts in the hotel bed to let Nithya cuddle in closer.
Nithya hums softly. "We have a lot to sort out when we get home... but tonight I will just want you~."
Elanor nods with a sigh, "Friends, family, work, living arrangements... yeah... there's... a lot still. But I'm certainly okay just being here for you right now. For the rest of our lives, in fact."
Nithya sighs softly and just nuzzles onto Elanor's neck and chest.
Elanor reaches her hands around Nithya and leans her head into Nithya's hair, perfectly content to snuggle with her best friend and love.
Previous: Chapter 27 Next: Chapter 29