Kiromancer's Collection - art by CrazedCollie


Logs for 'The Lusty Seapony' RP sessions can be found here - A Ponyville Bar finds itself as the centerpoint for friendship, relationships, drama, and chaos.

Respite Falls RP Logs

Logs for the 'Respite Falls' RP sessions can be found here - A frontier town on a remote continent where folks go to escape being noticed, seek the impossible, or hunt their fortunes.

Ad-Hoc RP Logs

Logs for the 'Ad-Hoc' sessions can be found here - The Ad-Hoc Demi-Human shelter has a mission to take in Demi-Humans and help them make a new life, with its ecclectic staff and colorful cast of 'hazard girls'.

Changing Spirits RP Logs

Logs for the 'Changing Spirits' sessions can be found here - Our world is not all it seems, filled with ancient spirits once called 'gods', these spirits influence the world in many ways, granting wishes, protecting communities, and more. Their presence is mysterious, unknown by even those they directly effect, but the transformations they cause are very real.

Other RP Logs

Logs for the Various RP sessions can be found here.