23 Chapters When the Dragon Reb'bhek'aran is appointed to a quaint little town, her manor needs a maid. Courtney makes it through the interview process, but will find that this job is a good deal more than she bargained for.
13 Chapters Not long after Dragons first arrived on Earth, Janelle begins her job as a professional assisstant to the opulent dragon Liseth'erend'oreana.
31 Chapters Best friends Rowan and Jacinto have attended Furry Conventions for years, crafting fursuits to spend the weekend performing in suit. But after years of cosplay and crafting experience, they are finally ready to show of their magnum opus suits... but their connections to these characters might prove to be stronger than they suspect.
Misty and Narash crash at his place in Silverymoon. Gotta move this log somewhere else when I have the page set up. (NSFW)