Previous: Chapter 16 Next: Chapter 18
The Next Night
Delia cuddles closer, nuzzling onto Gillian's chest. She may be a dog, but her mind is still human. Therefore, boobs.
Gillian giggles, squirming a bit as the corgi's cold nose tickling against her boobs as she continues to pet her girlfriend.
Delia giggles in mirror: "That'll probably never get old, I'm sorry to say~"
Gillian stretches a bit, and lowers her arms down to wrap around Delia in a hug. "I might enjoy it just a bit as well~"
Delia smirks: "Fair enough then~" She is content to just lie there for now.
Delia licks the dozing satyr's snout after some time, smirking.
Gillian squeezes Delia in a hug, and (weirdly?) licks the corgi back. "Two can play at that."
Delia laughs: "Augh! No fair, definitely not fair!" She smirks: "Well, except the parts where it is~"
Gillian giggles, pulling back to stick out her tongue. "All's fair in love, I've heard."
Delia lifts her paw, then shifts just anthro enough to be able to lift a paw to her chest, getting slightly bigger in the process. She then mocks being hit in the chest: "You wound me, my love. Deeply."
Gillian oofs as Delia's weight shifts, becoming just a bit heavier atop her, still grinning as she watches Delia, "I did? Oh gosh, I never mean to harm you, love. Whatever can I do to make amends?"
Delia kisses the Satyr: "That'll do for now, and breakfast later~" Nevermind that Gillian does their breakfast 98% of the time anyway.
Gillian kisses back, blushing, "I can live with that~."
Delia giggles: "You better. You're stuck with me now~" She hums: "At least - not to be unromantic but - until I need to pee."
Gillian blinks, then laughs again and snugs Delia, "I think I can bear to be apart long enough to let you do that. Otherwise... I can't even call it being stuck with you. This is where I want to be. I mean, literally right here like this... it's the best."
Delia laughs: "I was being facetious, but yeah, I'll take it. Love being here too~."
Gillian shrugs a little, "I know, I know, but I'm just not so good at that. I'm just too sincere..."
Delia hums: "Maybe not. Really, I've had to lie way too much in my life just to stay under the radar for... " She waves her paw: "... You know. I love your honesty."
Gillian nuzzles at Delia, "You've had a hard time of things... but me, I wasn't really raised to lie. What would a maid like me even have to lie about? I had things a lot simpler, I guess... but without any freedom." She grows quiet a moment, lost in some memory, before she focuses back on Delia. "I love you for opening the world up to me."
Delia considers: "Oh my Dad would frown heavily every time I was caught lying..." She sighs softly: "'course, that was before all this were-stuff. After that even he understood why I had to bend the truth every now and then." She smiles softly at Gillian: "You've opened things for me too."
Gillian smiles back, "I'm glad I am, for as little as I have to offer. ...I guess I don't even know my Dad, but the head of the manor treated me like a daughter... well... at least, he treated me well. Taught me not to lie, and to watch my manners. House staff taught me all the etiquette, of course, and then I was old enough to join them. It's... weird to think about that now."
Delia shrugs: "Whatever qualifies as weird these days. From a non Ad-Hoc perspective our lives are plenty weird."
Gillian giggles, "That's a good point. I'll take this weird over what I used to have, though. I guess I'm just feeling... well, nostalgia isn't the right word, because I don't really miss it... I'm just thinking about my old home."
Delia mm's: "Nothing wrong with that. I try to not think too hard about what I lost." She smiles and gives Gillian a kiss on the snout: "Especially considering what I have gained since then~."
Gillian grins much wider, giving Delia another snug, "That's a hard argument to ignore. I didn't lose anything worth crying about, and gained something more valuable than I could have ever imagined."
Delia smiles, nuzzling closer as she subtly shifts back to being 'just' a dog, leaning on Gillian's boobs. "No kidding. I love you, pretty thing~."
Gillian lowers one hand back onto the bed and resumes scritching Delia gently with the other, "And I love you, dear."
Delia giggles softly, leaning onto Gillian's hand just a bit: "You know, most people wouldn't so willingly date and love and get engaged into a dog." Her tail wags as she talks, clearly teasing just a bit.
Gillian giggles, "The same could be said for a goat, you know." She hums, "But if they only see a dog when they look at you, that's their loss."
Delia smirks: "Barring the times when I intend to do that, anyway. You'd be surprised how much I hear even at Ad-Hoc, and people know who I am there." She hums and looks towards the window of their bedroom: "Out there, a lil' doggy can eavesdrop with no problems." Demis may have always been around, but most people still assume even demi's to not just look like a normal house pet.
Gillian chuckles, "Guess that's a fair point. I'm not exactly a goat goat even if I look like this. Though I think most people would probably question a loose goat in the office if I could change like you could..."
Delia giggles a bit: "But you have to admit, the mental image is pretty hilarious. Let's hope we don't have to find out, though."
Gillian smiles, "Maybe a little funny. As far as I know, Satyrs and Fauns can't transform like that..." She pauses a moment to think, "I don't... Know a Whole lot about what Satyrs can and can't do, actually."
Delia hums, thinking: "Can't say I know either. Though I'm sure we could find someone somewhere via Ad-Hoc." She considers, looking at Gillian: "A blind spot, I guess, since your abilities, if you have any aren't terribly obvious to us."
Gillian nods, "I have no idea. I can cook, of course. But nothing magical about that."
Delia gives Gillian's snout a lick: "Well, maybe we can find out one day." She lets out a big yawn: "...later."
Gillian scratches Delia and nods, "A mystery for another time... When bed isn't so cozy."
Delia nuzzles onto Gillian's chest again: "Mm, bed, or you. Both? Both."
Gillian blushes, "I think both is very good."
Delia mm's: "I can't help it, you're comfy."
Gillian wiggles a bit, bouncing her chest beneath Delia, "Well, you're not exactly uncomfortable to have sitting atop me."
Delia eep's at the bounce: "Ack! Using my small size against me! Unfair! Unf-air!" She scrambles to be on top of Gillian's chest again, glancing at her: "Sneaky."
Gillian can't help but laugh, even as Delia scampers back atop her. "Oh gosh, I didn't mean to bounce quite so hard! Next time I'll just have to pull you in closer to make sure you don't go anywhere."
Delia giggles: "Like you could be rid of me that easy." She shakes herself and lays back down on Gillian's chest. "You're way too comfy~."
Gillian wraps her arms around Delia to keep her in place, "Well sure, but I didn't want you to miss out on these~." She bounces again, her boobs pressing against Delia as Gillian blushes further at her own boldness.
Delia giggles, eep'ing again but this time staying on just fine: "G-guh!" She laughs, unable to contain her amusement at Gillian daring to do such things to her.
Gillian giggles along, relaxing back into bed, still blushing heavily, "Oh gosh, I don't know what's gotten into me!"
Delia smirks as she lies on Gillian's boobs again, shifting her form just enough to have more usable joints and fingers, which she then uses to lightly trace around Gillian's chest: "I dunno. Love?"
Gillian nods, shivering a bit at Delia's touch across her chest, "I guess it does make me a bit silly."
Delia smiles: "Only as silly as I am, and I assure you, that is a very high bar to reach~."
Gillian hugs Delia and nods, "Th-then I will strive to reach that bar! Or um, at least, to do what I can."
Delia mm's: "Well, you're well on your way to it. Clearly my company is good for you."
Gillian smiles, "Clearly. And obviously. You're all sorts of good for me, love."
Delia just ever so slightly teases at Gillian's chest, the little dog gremlin that she is: "Well, I try~."
Gillian hums at Delia's touch, "Mmm, and succeed."
Delia smiles warmly as her paws wander: "Well, you are pretty nice to touch~."
Gillian grins, running a hand down to squeeze Delia's rear, "You are too. And your touch feels wonderful~."
Delia shivers a bit at the touch, giggling softly: "Same to you, love~."
Previous: Chapter 16 Next: Chapter 18