Emotions and Intentions.

Tuesday, November 17th, 2020





Auriel works at her computer, scrolling through approval orders for the days. As she finishes up, she tilts her neck, stretching her wings out behind her as she clicks send and shifts tasks over to work on the budget for next month.

Lei peeks into Auriel's office after knocking, having finished up her tasks for the afternoon and shut down her workstation for the day. She smiles when she sees Auriel still hard at work. "Heya, Auri. Just letting you know I finished up everything for the day. Anything else that you need me to do?"

Auriel glances up at Lei with a half-smile, "Ah, Lei. Very good. No, I think that will be enough for today. Enjoy your night."

Lei chuckles and nods. "Alrighty, I'll just go ahead and clock out now, then." She smiles perhaps a little vacantly for a moment as she accesses AD-HOC's systems and logs her hours, then nods, "And done!"

Auriel nods, looking away from Lei to focus back on her spreadsheets. It takes her a moment to see that Lei hasn't left. She shifts in her chair, pulling her hands back from the keyboard to fold on her lap. "Something else?"

Lei shakes her head and giggles a bit. "Not really, mostly just wondering how you're feeling, is all."

Auriel arcs an eyebrow. "Feeling? I'm feeling just fine, why?"

Lei shrugs a little and glances out for a moment. "Well, just wondering because it's getting a bit close to, uh... that season again, isn't it?"

Auriel pauses, a slight blush coming to her cheeks before she laughs it off, "Ah, I see. I'm afraid your timing is just a little off, Lei. That seasons has only just started. Another few days and it will reach its height, but at the moment, it is... tolerable."

Lei chuckles, smiling. "Maybe a few days off, sure, but I figured I could put forward the offer this time around, you know, instead of you always having to come to me."

Auriel blinks, somewhat surprised by the offer, despite the number of times they've spent together. "...I appreciate it, Lei, I really do. I... suppose there's no harm in it. Perhaps satisfying the urges early will help quench the later feelings."

Lei nods, glad Auriel cottoned on. "Yeah, that's kinda my thoughts, too! Taking care of it early to help you deal with what comes later, and all that. Wouldn't hurt to try, at least, right?"

Auriel nods, "Certainly wouldn't. And it is often enjoyable, yes..."

Lei grins. "So, what d'you say? Wanna give it a try before it really starts to set in?"

Auriel shrugs again, smiling, "Ah, yes, why not? Thank you, Lei."

Lei chuckles. "Okay, are you free tonight, then? If not, we can always shoot for tomorrow."

Auriel nods, "If you are free for tonight, then that works for me. Unless you'd rather spend time on the weekend afterwards."

Lei hums at the idea, then shrugs again with that same cheerful smile. "Either way works! We could try for tonight and see how it goes from there."

Auriel dips her head in agreement, "Tonight then. I shall look forward to it."

Lei grins and nods. "Alright, tonight it is~! I'll be by around the usual time, then. See you in a while, Auri!" She chuckles and leans back out, shutting Auriel's office door as she goes.

Auriel hums to herself, then turns back to her computer, admittedly feeling a rising of anticipation for the night to come.




Lei pulls up to Auriel's house right on time, wearing her usual sort of casual wear. As she climbs out of the car, she reaches into the back seat and grabs her backpack as usual, though its assortment of 'gear' this time around is a bit different than usual. She swings it onto her back and makes her way up to the front door of the house, then knocks.

Auriel answers the door wearing her own casual wear, her tail hangs loosely behind her, swaying in a bit of uncharacteristic anticipation. "It is good to see you again, Lei."

Lei waves cheerfully. "Evening, Auri! Good to see you again, too!" She shifts her backpack a bit to draw attention to it, "So, uh... I didn't want to mention it back at your office, but I got something that might make things a bit more fun, if you'd like to try it out."

Auriel tilts her head, looking over the backpack. She smirks, "Eh? So you had ulterior motives afterall, hm? Well, I've certainly enjoyed your attempts at 'fun' in the past."

Lei blushes just a little and nods. "Welllll... I don't know about 'ulterior', but I sure had a motive, yeah~" She hitches up her grin again, "Though, I guess it's all been a lot of fun in the past, so maybe this will be something just as fun."

Auriel chuckles, "Unless you wish to inform me what your new idea of fun is, I can only base my guess on past experience."

Lei bounces a little on her heels, clearly amused. "You could take a guess if you like, and I'll just tell you what it is on the way downstairs, since it'll... probably take a little explaining~"

Auriel hums, crossing her arms, her wings folding in behind her, "My guess, based on our past experiences, and your little research projects, is you wish to try to bind me again. But we can discuss it downstairs."

Lei giggles. "Close! I can explain it a bit more downstairs, yeah."

Auriel leads the way over towards the door down into her home proper. "Hmph. You do delight in keeping things mysterious. Ah, no matter. I've certainly played that game against you as well."

Lei follows after Auriel, closing the front door behind her as she goes. "A little mystery is always fun! Besides, this mystery won't stay mysterious for much longer, I promise~"

Auriel laughs as she guides Lei down the stairs into the familiar well-appointed caverns below. Unlike a previous encounter between the two, this time Lei's network connections remain online without interference, "I'm certain it won't. You seem rather eager to reveal it."

Lei looks around the cavern with a continued appreciation of just how nice the entire place looks, even though she's been a relatively regular visitor for quite a while now. She grins as she answers. "Well, it's pretty amazing, honestly. It's a thing that got developed for tech purposes, but has found some use in... other activities as well as of late!"

Auriel chuckles, "Hmph. By humans, perhaps? They seem to have quite a bit of ingenuity when it comes to applying most anything back into... other activities, as you put it."

Lei nods a bit. "Yes and no. It was actually a joint development by humans and AI. Like I said, it's tech-focused, so our expertise with materials really helped them figure out how to make it all work!"

Auriel listens thoughtfully, "Curious. But then again, I have underestimated AI before. This is an area of study I thought your kind would have little interest in." She chuckles as she reaches the bottom of the steps, looking across her room, "Yet, here you are."

Lei chuckles and nods. "It's all such an interesting side of... well, organics. So many things that you all do just for fun, it's honestly a whole different thing we've never really experienced before." She smirks playfully at Auriel, "And it helps having someone that's a lot of fun to be with~"

Auriel snorts, smirking, "Not just for 'fun', but I suppose that certainly comes into play. I've had very few partners who I've sought out purely for 'fun'."

Lei chuckles. "Makes sense. If it's to help just getting your eggs out, that's not necessarily only for 'fun', yup!" She grins, "Still, nothing wrong with just enjoying stuff, right?"

Auriel hums, nodding slowly. "No, I suppose not. I suppose I don't let myself have as much fun as I used to. But that was a long time ago." Her expression grows a bit wistful for a moment as she stares off into the distance.

Lei giggles as she draws up next to Auriel and gives her friend a hug. "Well, hey, that just sounds like an opportunity, to me. You know, a chance to maybe relax a little and not stress about work all the time."

Auriel tenses a little at the hug, her wings unfolding instinctively, before she sighs and hugs Lei back. "I suppose you are right about that, yes."

Lei smiles. "Anyway! Yeah, about that stuff I brought along." She smiles as she looks at Auriel, "You, uh... might want to be in your dragon form for it. Might get a little uncomfortable if I bound you up with it in human form and then you transformed."

Auriel releases the hug, her wings idly stretch out before folding back behind her, her usual impassive demeanor returning with a hint of confidence in her eyes. "Oh? Already? Seems you wish to move things a bit quickly tonight, hm?"

Lei shakes her head, her smile growing a little sly. "Not quite. Unlike the straps and buckles we'd tried that one time, this material won't be... quite so easy to give, I think."

Auriel chuckles wryly, "Or perhaps you simply wish to enjoy the show?" After a moment she shrugs, "You've clearly done a lot of research, so I suppose I should play along. For awhile at least." She heads over towards one of the dressers and begins to remove her loose clothing.

Lei sets her backpack down and starts to dig through it, though her eyes mostly remain on Auriel. "Well, I mean... you're really good-looking in both forms, so a little show never goes unappreciated~"

Auriel stretches, letting her shirt fall backwards off of her wings in a practiced move. She removes her pants in a similar motion, as it falls away past her tail, a baffling display if the clothes weren't specially designed to do so. "I choose this form. Though I suppose making it look the way it does might display a bit of vanity, hm?" She turns towards Lei and poses confidently in the nude.

Lei grins appreciatively, giggling as she lifts a somewhat large canister out from her pack and sets it down. "Vanity? I dunno about that, but you definitely know how to work it, Auri." She pats the sealed lid of the canister, "This is what I was talking about, though. Not sure if you've heard about it before."

Auriel raises a finger to tell Lei to hold that thought, then begins walking towards her bed. As she does so, he legs begin to bend oddly, the toes lengthening and broadening, claws seeming to grow from the nails. Bones flow painlessly and skin hardens into golden scales that cover her body, her wings unfold and stretch in the process, growing larger and larger, while her tail and neck extend.

Auriel 's face reshapes into her familiar draconic jaw, all while her green hair flows down along her spine. The entire process seems at once painful and yet painless, terrifying but sensual. Auriel's posture and movements shift seemlessly as she continues to walk throughout the process and as it concludes, she cranes her long neck closer to canister. "Hmm. I don't recognize the brand number, Auriel but the designation is familiar. This is a nano-fiber latex, yes?"

Lei hums as she watches the transformation with a bit of awe. Even though she's seen this transformation numerous times in all the time she's known Auriel, it never fails to impress her every time. As Auriel comments about the canister, she redirects her attention towards it and nods. "Yup! Almost exactly like the stuff that's been in use for a while in a bunch of different applications, but this stuff's a wee bit different in a couple of practical ways."

Auriel reads the label upon the cannister. "I've certainly heard that it is quite durable, yes." She flaps her wings once, making a show of the muscles. "For latex, that is."

Lei grins. "Well, if you want, we can test it out, now. Don't worry about it making a mess of your sheets; this stuff's easy to work with."

Auriel nods. "If you're ready for that already, yes. I simply hope you will not be disappointed with its performance. Well, I suppose you won't be disappointed either way, hm?" She flashes her teeth.

Lei chuckles and hefts the canister as she stands up. "Oh, trust me, Auri, it's going to be something really fun either way~"

Auriel laughs along, "That is why we've come together tonight, yes? How do we begin?"

Lei starts wandering towards Auriel's bed. "Well... why not go ahead and make yourself comfortable? Maybe on your back or something like that~"

Auriel nods, shifting position over towards the bed. "Hmm. No ropes, no shackles. I suppose comfort won't be a problem then." She lays upon her side, then rolls over, resting her bulk down upon the bed, her wings spread out and her legs in front of her. She rests her head down upon her neck to watch Lei.

Lei jumps up onto the bed and opens the canister, which she sets aside after she pulls out what looks like a large, opaque black ball of rubber. "So! First thing is, this material's manipulable by digital commands, either through direct contact by AIs, or with a control device for organics." She bounces the orb in her hands a bit showing it to be pretty solid at the moment, "Right now, it's obviously just a ball, of course. But~..."

Auriel watches, intrigued by the science behind it, though unsure of how exactly it'll work out in the bedroom still. She shifts her head to peer closer at the orb. "But I assume once 'activated', it will spread and, presumably, 'bind me'?" She says that last part with a still amused grin.

Lei nods again, smiling brightly. "Yup, that's the idea!" She makes a little swishing gesture with one of her hands so she can get some space to progress to the next bit, which she does as she moves a bit closer to Auriel's chest, "It's considered a smart material, so whoever is controlling it can reshape the stuff however they want. Like... I'll just rest this right here on your chest... issue the proper command, and..."

Lei sets the orb down carefully against the scales on Auriel's chest, making sure it stays in place before she issues the command. As soon as she gives the proper input, the material starts to 'melt' against Auriel's scales, thick lines moving along the contours of her body, down her limbs, up her neck and around her back. In between those thick lines of material, a thinner mesh spreads out, linking and interconnecting with each other to form a surprisingly comfy and lightweight layer over her scales. However, at the moment, it all remains completely flexible.

Auriel watches in a bit of trepidition mixed with curiousity as the material, much warmer than she would have guessed it would be, spreads across her chest, creeping at strangely calm pace. She reaches out a claw, poking at the slowly diminishing orb against her belly, only to find the material spread up her clawed hand with a disturbing ease. She lets it stretch across one hand, flexing and watching it for a moment. "It certainly is a unique find, Lei, I grant you that."

Lei smiles as she watches the latex material working to cover Auriel's shimmering scales as she wants it to. It doesn't take long before the orb finally melts completely away into the network of material that now covers almost her entire body, yet leaving her form still quite visible beneath the mesh. "It's a pretty new thing." She smirks, "I bet you're wondering how that material can bind you, though. Looks kind of loose right now, doesn't it?"

Auriel flexes her claws above her as the material there connects to the greater mass spreading across her body. The sensation of the warm liquid-like fabric spreading across her body is definitely getting her excited, the feeling like dipping into a warm bath, or rubbing silk fresh from the dryer across her body, and that heat is certainly spreading lower, as the latex begins to completely coat her. She gasps as it finds her lower lips, slipping inside just far enough to kiss against her inner walls.

Lei simply smiles as she watches the latex material following her commands through a wireless connection, letting the material inch its way over Auriel's form, slowly but steadily covering her body in a fine layer, with enough open space between each miniscule 'thread' that her form remains visible even after being covered. As the last of the initial orb of material melts into the mesh, the movements over the dragon's body slows to a stop, leaving just her extremities partially uncovered, including some of her head. "Aaaaand there we go. How's it feel~?"

Auriel worries at first that she won't be able to speak, but as the material seems to have coated her neck and lower jaw, along with the back of her head, while leaving her upper jaw and eyes alone... She takes a breath, "Better then I expected... like a warm, tight blanket. Strangely... comforting. Though you are quite right... it leaves much to be desired for binding. Not 'loose', but certainly not restricive at all." She stretches an arm to demonstrate, her tail still free to move about as well.

Lei chuckles and nods. "Well, that's because I figured it'd be easiest to demonstrate once this stuff's been applied. It's all controlled by commands, like I said. Right now, it's flexible and easy to move in, but..." She smirks as she scoots a bit closer to Auriel and lays a hand on her scaly thigh, now issuing the command for the material to stiffen, albeit slowly for effect, "With a single command... it stiffens up~"

Auriel continues to move at first, seemingly unimpressed as the material tightens around her. The slowness of its effect only gives the illusion that Auriel's strength is enough to overcome the material. "Hmph. Impressive, Lei, it does offer quite a bit of resistance. I was afraid it would simply tear apart, but it holds its intregity rather well. I will at least be... pleasant to... hm..." She trails off as it slowly becomes more and more difficult to move, an uncharacteristic bit of worry in her eyes.

Lei lightly glides her hand along Auriel's thigh, just letting the material continue stiffening up. "This material's supposed to be for heavy industry and sensitive tech. Immobilization is a top priority for relevant applications." She meets Auriel's eyes and winks with a soft smile, "No matter how strong the force applied is~" She pauses for a moment, however, noting the worry, "Hmm... feeling okay, Auri?"

Auriel 's face betrays how much she is continuing to struggle, as her legs are locked into place, frustration (and a hint of fear) crosses her face before she gets it under control, "Hmph. F-fine. It is rather... rather resilient, yes."

Lei gazes at Auriel for a few moments, then smiles as her expression shifts back to her 'normal'. She then issues another command to the material to lightly flex against Auriel's nethers, subtly teasing the dragon a bit as she clambers backwards and slips off of the bed. "Indeed. Now, I think it's probably a good time to mention something else, too. Specifically, an idea that you gave me a while back, if not necessarily on purpose~"

Auriel grunts out as she feels the material send a wave of warm pleasure through her, still struggling to break loose, but finding that effort hampered by the teasing as much as the fabric itself. She glances at Lei as best she can, "Eh? Something else?"

Lei stays somewhere near the edge of Auriel's vision as she starts to undress herself, though whether that's planned or not is up for debate, as she continues to chat with Auriel. "Yup! I remember you mentioning the effects a male dragon has on females in heat. Obviously, I'm not a dragon, nor male, but certain effects can be mimicked synthetically~"

Auriel 's eyes widen a bit as the implications sink in, both the fear and the arousal in her expression growing, her eyes following the AI's movements, though her neck cannot move. "L-Lei? You... didn't."

Lei hums curiously, glancing up as she pauses in removing her shorts. "Hm~? Didn't what, Auri?"

Auriel pants slightly, the bindings teasing at her, which only serves to truly bring her heat forward, "I told you, a male dragon... when I'm in heat, that won't provide relief, it'll only intensify things. Their musk, their scent..."

Lei hums thoughtfully. "Hmm... increased intensity, followed by intense relief once all is said and done, right?" She giggles and continues to work at pulling her shorts off, which, to a sharp eye, seems to be a bit... tighter fitting than before, "Either way, I might have taken your 'advice' into consideration when I decided to get an... extra attachment for my chassis~"

Auriel takes a sharp breath of air, still struggling to move her neck, to get a better look at the 'something extra', to confirm her fears, and her desires, but the restraints continue to keep her held tight, and just keeping her a little distracted as well. "I... this will be too much, Lei."

Lei giggles again as she finally manages to remove her shorts, revealing a semi-flaccid, but quite realistic-looking dragon member, perhaps slightly disproportional to her height. She grins as she stands back up and tosses her shorts aside. "Too much, Auri~? We could always pull back a bit, of course, if that's what you really want, and it's not just nerves talking~"

Auriel grunts again, trying to break free. "I... simply worry I will not be able to hold back, Lei. I..." She trails off, eyes glancing away from Lei, though her body betrays her desires, her nethers beginning to leak in excitement as her heat intensifies at the suit's attention. Auriel continues to struggle, the defiance rising in her voice again, "When I break free, I fear what I would do to you in that state."

Lei chuckles and climbs back onto the bed, playfully tapping the material encasing Auriel. "Well, if you're worried, try really hard to break free now, while you've got your senses still. If you break free, we call this thing off and go for something more traditional." She smiles reassuringly, "As for what might happen... well, I took precautions. You know those black boxes we keep stored at work? The ones for myself, Sona and Liza?"

Auriel glances back at Lei, "I do. You're backed up fully then?"

Lei nods over to the staircase. "I've got a personal black box stowed in my car. If, somehow, you break free, I can immediately flash myself over to it, which will leave my chassis essentially shut down and immobile." She smirks, "I might have been planning this for a while~"

Auriel snorts, subconciously licking her tongue across her mouth. She tries to make her voice sound casual, her usual dismissive and self-confident tone, but that is breaking ever so slightly, as the nerves are in fact getting to her, "So it seems. Well, I... I suppose I should just let you have your fun then, hm?"

Lei 's smirk shifts to a smile again as she sits astride Auriel's tail for a moment, just admiring the effect of the latex material covering yet not covering her scales from view. "So... just so we can say we tried... go ahead and try to break free now."

Auriel glances down at Lei, having been trying this whole time, "Y-yes. I'll try now..." She tries to rally her strength, straining against the materials locking her limbs in place, and as she squirms against it, the desperation slips into her voice, not wanting to say she can't. "I... I... i-it's fine..."

Lei just smiles without a care in the world as she continues to sit on Auriel's tail, watching the dragon try to break free. At the same time, she lets her chassis' newly installed pieces begin proper operations, and the dragon shaft she's now sporting begins to lengthen and stiffen in full view of Auriel. "Would you agree that it's really unlikely that you'll break it~?"

Auriel pants, "S-seems that way, perhaps."

Lei lightly rests a hand against the material lining Auriel's leg, giving it another command to reshape itself a bit. The material that's been gently probing against Auriel's inner walls slowly retracts and melts back into the suit at large, leaving her nethers perfectly accessible. "Then, what say we get started, hm~? Really give the synthetic materials a test run~?"

Auriel lets out a sigh of relief as the material retreats, giving her a moment of clear thought without the constant teasing, though her nethers feel hot, the scales having parted and her slit open and ready for Lei to use, even if Auriel herself isn't. She continues to breath heavily, managing a short laugh, "A-always good... t-to stress test your toys." She means the materials, but it could easily be misconstrued as meaning herself.

Lei reaches forward and traces a couple of fingers along Auriel's nethers as she looks up at her face. She nods with a sly little smile. "Always good, indeed. So, I'm glad you're giving me the opportunity to return the favor, Auri~"

Auriel snorts again, shivering in anticipation at Lei's touch. She meets Lei's gaze, managing to smile through the mix of emotions at her situation, as she does genuinely want this, "Of course, Lei. Have... have fun~."

Lei deftly dips a finger into Auriel's slit, dragging it against her inner walls for a short moment before she pulls it back out and shifts her body forward, letting the tapered tip of her shaft kiss up against Auriel's nethers instead. "I hope you have just as much fun, Auri~"

Auriel quivers, attempting to buck up her hips, but unable in the restraints, wanting to pull Lei in deeper to help give her some relief. "Ahhhhhhh hhheh... I am... su-sure I will."

Lei grins as she reaches forward and grabs Auriel by the waist, then pulls herself closer, letting her shaft slide slowly into her slit. She bites her lip for a moment as her chassis processes the sensations, only to sigh as the sensory buffers reduce the intensity. She smiles up at Auriel as she starts to rock her hips in slow, deep thrusts. "Here we go, then~"

Auriel tries to reciprocate the motion, but can't, forcing a grunt from her throat as she strains against the suit binding her. Lei's addon is well built, literally made for this, and the feeling of it moving through her is intense as the dragon cock brushes against all the right spots, "Haaaah... yessss."

Lei hums appreciatively at the pleasant sensations that make it past the buffer she has in place, leaving her chassis tingling, but not overwhelming her with the new sensory inputs. Sensing Auriel's desire, she adjusts her rhythm a bit, making her thrusts a bit faster just to spark the dragon's arousal some more. "This is new, but fun~"

Auriel pants eagerly, breaking into moans as Lei picks up the pace, "Unnf, d-deeper Lei! Deeper!"

Lei obliges Auriel, pumping her hips a bit harder as she makes each thrust firm and deeper than before. One of several benefits of an AI chassis being essentially indefatigable, certainly. "You got it, Auri~"

Auriel cries out in response, head locked place, but she still gives out a mighty roar of pleasure as Lei's cock pushes in deep, further aided by Auriel's own heat providing ample lubrication.

Lei lets out a moan of her own, though it's likely lost in the echoing roar from Auriel. She dials back the buffer just a touch, wanting to feel more of the sensory inputs from her cock. The sudden small surge causes her to gasp and grind deep for several seconds, just trying to weather the blissful tension.

Auriel 's body struggles to react to her natural instincts, to push back, to brace herself, to do anything. The bindings hold tight, meaning all she can do is moan with each thrust into her. Her nethers grasp at Lei's cock with a need of their own, the muscles trying to pull the cock in deeper, massaging it's length with a natural suction as Auriel struggles between breaths to cry out "H-harder!"

Lei grunts and starts to push even harder, though the flow of pleasure is starting to flood her sensory processors as Auriel's muscles squeeze and milk her cock. She does her best to keep herself contained for the time being, but it's clearly a slowly losing battle as each thrust pushes her closer and closer to the edge.

Auriel 's vagina at least has matched the rhythm, eager and hungry to take in Lei's full length, even though Auriel herself is rather helpless otherwise.

Lei tries to hold the rising tide back within her, but her relative unfamiliarity with her chassis' new attachment is starting to show through as she's unable to fully regulate the surging pleasure now flooding her sensory processors. She leans heavily against Auriel's hips, making each thrust firm and rough before she cries out and pushes deep, her cock pulsing in climax.

Auriel roars once again as Lei cums inside her, a much more animalistic roar. The draconic seed, even a synthetic version, burns her depths, magnifying her burgeoning heat many times over and filling her with a primal need, a lust she can't ignore. The restraints hold her in place, despite the renewed effort to seize Lei and ensure the pleasure does not stop. "MORE! I NEED IT!"

Lei hugs Auriel close for a few seconds as her climax runs its course, leaving her tingling from the slowly fading sensations, but she recovers far faster than one would expect and begins to pump her hips with renewed vigor as she dials up the buffer again. "Until... until you've had your fill, Auri~~"

Auriel is purely running on primal lust now, a biological compulsion to fertilize her egg by whatever means necessary, and her instincts recognizing a ready and willing breeder already inside her. Her muscles continue with fervor, pulling Lei's cock in without letting go, as the dragon moans, a deep, throaty sound that practically rumbles through her whole body, punctuating it with growls that form words, "More... fuck me... breed me..."

Lei groans softly as she continues to pump her hips with the same intensity as before her climax a few seconds ago, her cock pumping firmly as Auriel's muscles squeeze around her. She shudders a bit, the pleasure still managing to make her tingle a bit even with the buffer.

Auriel 's extra efforts to break free slowly fall away as Lei continues to fuck her, she's getting exactly what she wants after all. She continues to struggle to do more to pull Lei in, but the latex coating more than does its job. She just wants... needs... more. "Hhhhhha.... yessss."

Lei starts to almost automate her chassis' motions, just giving Auriel the deepest screwing she can, her hips smacking firmly against the dragon's scales with each thrust. Her hands slide down along Auriel's sides, and the material seems to shift a bit in response to a passion-driven command. The material along Auriel's head starts to shift and reshape...

Auriel 's vaugely understandable cries soon shift into little more then lustful grunts with each thrust, her body doing its best to respond in kind, even as it's hampered by the restraints. Lost in that haze of pleasure, she doesn't quite notice the growing warmth across her head as the material stretches out across her face.

Lei moans in time to each thrust, as her chassis tries to process all of the sensations flooding her processors. Her rhythm remains strong and firm, however, as she fucks Auriel nice and hard. The latex, still shifting in response to the command, slowly creeps up along Auriel's brow, covering the dragon's eyes with an impromptu blindfold before coming to a stop again.

Auriel 's vision goes blurry, dark enough to cut out any outside detail without a level of focus that is impossible to maintain in the midst of the fucking that Lei is giving to her. Her brain isn't much in the mode to analyze this new development, as she primarily gives out a throaty call, "Dark... keep... keep going... harder... HARDER!"

Lei takes a moment to adjust her upper half, lifting up away from Auriel as she makes the latex material shift around again, giving the AI a couple of spots to grip onto the dragon better. Grabbing hold of the new grips, she grits her teeth a little and starts to make her thrusts even harder and deeper, letting her dragon-like cock pump nearly its full length in and out of Auriel's slit.

Auriel roars again at the renewed efforts, eyes rolling back such that the blindfold is almost irrelevant anyways, though it's doing its job rather well as Auriel is losing focus on much of anything other then the sensations pounding through her, a rising tide that she has no interest in stemming as the dragon cock repeatedly strikes against the egg wall, though it seems to have no interest in opening to let her lay her egg this early, even as Auriel edges towards an orgasm of her own.

Lei 's moans are lost amidst heavy breathing as she simply focuses upon driving herself and Auriel closer and closer to a(nother) climax, the only sounds coming from her end being that of flesh smacking firmly against scales as each thrust drives her cock deep. Some distant part of her CPU notes that it's probably a very good thing that she got a 'high-capacity' storage unit for the synthetic cum, considering the intensity of this session.

Auriel 's animalistic roars reach a new height as Lei strikes what on a human would be the cervix wall over and over, until at last the dam breaks, and her whole body shakes with climax. Her vagina walls tighten around Lei's cock, not letting go as pulls her in deep, trying to milk her dry and ensure the egg is fertilized this time, all while Auriel herself is lost to the bliss of it all, blinded to everything but the feelings of Lei being pulled deep inside her.

Lei 's eyes roll up a little, an unconscious (and likely chassis-programmed) reaction to the sensations of Auriel's walls squeezing and milking her cock as the AI continues trying to pump her hips. The surging pleasure proves overwhelming, even for the sensory buffers she's got in place, and she finds herself moaning in bliss from her second climax of the evening.

Auriel thrashes uselessly, breathing heavily as her orgasm continues, a very long, intense experience in comparison to a human. It voids her mind, the blindfold only serving to enhance the sensations and pleasure crashing through her body. As her muscles slowly begin to relax at last, she pants in a haze. The draconic cum, artifical though it may be, is quite effective, and now burns inside her, leaving her still horny and needy, though at the moment she doesn't have much rational thought in her mind.

Lei sighs shakily as her climax, intensified by Auriel's own wildly squeezing muscles, slowly comes to an end. She remains still for a few moments, then starts to rock her hips again, though this time just grinding deeply as she waits for Auriel to recover as best as the dragon can.

Auriel pants, tank lolling out of her mouth. It takes her what feels like an eternity to get some semblance of sense back, especially with Lei continuing to grind against her. She moans out a single harsh word. "M-mmore..."

Lei tilts her head curiously as she looks up at Auriel, then chuckles as she slowly ramps the rhythm up again, even as she considers other ideas that she could potentially do with the latex material binding the dragon at the moment. "How's... a different position sound, Auri~?"

Auriel 's panting increases along with Lei's momentum increasing. She's clearly not quite in a completely lucid, the burning, needy feeling inside her growing worse then ever before. "F-Fuck... y-yes! Just... more!"

Lei chuckles and nods as she adjusts her grasp on the two grips she's been using to rut Auriel, then issues a little command to gently reposition the dragon's forelegs, lightly tucking them above her head and linking the latex material together around her wrists. At the same moment, she gives the latex another, much more carefully monitored command that lightly squeezes just beneath Auriel's jaw, mimicking something of a love bite without the teeth, just the pressure.

Auriel doesn't seem to be fighting the material much at the moment, exhausted and needy, though even she can't fail to notice the material manipulate her forearms. She gives a token struggle, which ends in a deep-throated whimper as she feels the 'bite' tease into her neck. "Aaah~..."

Lei smirks as she watches Auriel's reaction to the shifting material, then decides to play it up a little more by strengthening the rhythm of her thrusts. "Just lay back and let your imagination go, Auri~"

Auriel whimpers again, having never felt like this before. She can't move, she can't see, and her heat is unbearable, each of Lei's thrusts only strengthening that need, and she can't even see the AI, leaving her blind to what she's doing. She pants between thrusts, "J-just... please..."

Lei hums warmly, continuing to issue subtle commands to the latex, so that it can squeeze at various points around Auriel's form, just imitating a little bite here, a squeeze there, all while maintaining that dominating pressure against her neck, just beneath her jaw. She lets the latex, and Auriel's imagination, do their thing as she continues to rock her hips in long, firm thrusts. "Until we're both satisfied~"

Auriel moans once again, letting her head shift backwards just a bit, as much as the latex will let her. The dominant hold upon her neck and the firm pressure being exerted against her is definitely taking any resistance out of her, as she just lets herself fade into the pleasure, letting Lei lead on, "Y-yes. P-please, take me, Lei."

Lei chuckles quietly as she obliges Auriel, her hips pumping a bit deeper, but with that same firm, insistent rhythm she's been holding to. While some part of her marvels at the sensations coursing through her chassis, another part is curiously enticed by this unusually submissive side of her friend. She files the knowledge away for later analysis as another surge of pleasure shocks her back to the matter at hand~

Auriel has all but completely surrendered to the pleasure now, in her minds eye she can see see the teeth holding her neck in place, she feel the restraints around her, the tiny pinches and squeezes against her scales a constant reminder. Most of all, she can feel Lei's cock thrusting into her, keeping her whole body on edge. She wants it more than anything right now, relief that won't come, no matter how good it feels.

Lei gives Auriel what she wants, making sure each thrust is filling, hard and deep as she continues to tease Auriel with commands from the latex material encasing her. She falls silent for the time being, letting the illusions playing out in Auriel's head do some of the work for her~

Auriel 's mind plays through quite a number of erotic scenarios indeed, though they do all seem to share one thing in common, Lei herself. This is a fact that Auriel might normally be reluctant or surprised to admit, but it's hard to deny in the midst of sex when she's roughly shouting the AI's name with each renewed thrust. Those shouts at last cease as Auriel once more breaks, a second orgasm rippling through the dragon (and Lei as well), her muscles kneading and sucking Lei's member deeper inside, with almost the same intensity as before.

Lei is in the middle of fiddling with the sensory buffers she's got in place, trying to fine-tune the sensations her processors are working on, when Auriel's climax hits her. She gasps at the sudden squeeze, and she ends up fumbling her tweaking of the buffers. Moments later, she cries out in bliss as her buffers shut off completely, flooding her chassis with sensory data she can't parse quickly enough. Her hips surge forward, pushing her cock deep into Auriel as she begins to pump another burning load of cum deep into her depths.

Auriel roars, overwhelmed by the sensations shaking her body, with Lei's third orgasm filling her. She clenches time and again, heart beating loudly, and slowly begins to fade out. Her body is past the point of utter exhaustion, the constant struggle against the latex suit, the draconic cum burning every inch of depths, and her own tapering climax... she is at last overwhelmed, letting out a long sigh as her conciousness slips away.

Lei grinds deep as her climax runs its course, only for it to slowly taper off as Auriel's muscles relax. Moments later, she slumps over against Auriel, her processors having locked up trying to sort through every sensation that was hitting her at once. About a minute passes in silence before she manages to reboot her systems, and she groans softly as she slowly looks up at Auriel. "Auri...? You okay?"

Auriel is silent, save for the sound of her breathing.

Lei tilts her head in a bit of concern, only to giggle a bit when she realizes the poor dragon's passed out. Knowing this, she slowly climbs off of Auriel, then goes about tidying up both herself and Auriel. She issues one last command to the latex binding the dragon, and makes it slowly reform into the hard, rubber orb it was originally, doing so in a way that lets Auriel's limbs and head settle comfortably upon the bed and pillows.

Lei makes sure Auriel won't wake up with a cramp, then stows the orb back into its canister and stuffs the canister into her backpack again. After that, she goes to get herself cleaned up, opting to make use of Auriel's shower. About fifteen minutes later, she comes sauntering back into the room still completely nude, though now without the dragon-like appendage between her legs, and climbs back into bed, where she snuggles up next to Auriel's side. Cozily tucked in beside the dragon, she sets her chassis to sleep mode, allowing her to recharge a bit overnight.




Auriel slowly starts to awaken after a long, deep sleep. She lazily stretches a forearm, finding Lei resting besides her. She grabs the figure gently and pulls her in closer against her, snuggling sleepily as she hasn't quite fully woken up yet.

Lei hums softly, smiling a little as the movement pulls her out of sleep mode. A few seconds later, she yawns a little and blinks her eyes open. "Oh... is it morning already?" She smiles a little more brightly and snuggles a bit more closely against Auriel, "Morning, Auri~"

Auriel yawns, stretching her neck out before craning it down to rest her head against Lei's back. She hums, "Lei... good morning."

Lei chuckles as she just contents herself with snuggling against Auriel. "I guess we got a bit intense last night, huh? How are you feeling?"

Auriel hums, "Good... tired. Sore... but still good. Intense is certainly one word for it, yes."

Lei smiles a little sheepishly. "Ah... sorry if we went a bit too roughly, Auri."

Auriel chuckles lightly, "I wouldn't apologize if I were you. 'Intense' does not mean it wasn't enjoyable."

Lei tilts her head a bit. "Oh, so when you say you're sore... it's the good kind of sore, then?" She grins a bit, "Well... glad it was fun, then~"

Auriel smirks, nuzzling gently before she pulls her head away from Lei. "It was. I have never felt like that before." She hesitates a moment, then continues, "Thank you for last night, Lei."

Lei winks playfully. "It was good fun, Auri. Thank you as well~" She giggles, "Though... really? You've... not felt like that before?" She's inquiring, definitely out of curiosity more than anything else.

Auriel settles her head upon the bed, "Hmph. I have not. That was the first attempt at bondage on me... that was successful. And no relations with another dragon."

Lei hums and nods as she just snuggles against Auriel's side. "Fair enough... I guess that stuff's the first time a material's been developed strong enough to resist a dragon's full strength."

Auriel chuckles, making no other movements and simply enjoying Lei's presence against her scales. "That I have encountered, certainly."

Lei smiles in amusement. "Really, as far as I'm aware, too. Everything else is too weak in some fashion."

Auriel gives a quiet sigh of contentment, closing her eyes for the moment. "I am glad it was with someone I trust."

Lei grins again. "And I'm glad you've got so much trust in me, Auri. Seriously, it means a lot."

Auriel shifts a bit awkwardly, clearly not used to this kind of talk, "I did not know what to expect when I first asked for your aid. I certainly did not intend for us to come so far..."

Lei chuckles, nodding. "I guess we were both kind of thinking it'd just be a one-and-done sort of deal, hm? Just help you that one time with your egg, and then keep going as normal."

Auriel smiles, "I suppose so, yes. It is rarely wise to mix work life with..." She stops herself, shifting her head away from looking towards Lei.

Lei hums curiously. "Work life with...?"

Auriel sighs, glancing back. "Personal relationships. I guess this isn't one though. This is just for occasional fun and relief ...And your research, yes?"

Lei tilts her head again. "Personal relationships? I mean... sure, occasional fun and relief, and maybe some research, yeah." She giggles a bit, "But... well, if you're thinking of something more~..."

Auriel would blush if she could in this form, instead she just looks a bit uncomfortable, "It's foolish... I shouldn't have brought it up. I mean no offense, but I'm not even sure how much you think in terms like that, or are capable of it. I simply... I... trust you. A great deal."

Lei smirks a bit. "No offense? Why would you think it'd cause offense, Auri? That's honestly a lot of trust, and I'm honestly happy you think I'm that trustworthy."

Auriel sighs, "Because I know so little about AI's... and because, I have been somewhat prejudiced against your kind myself. I don't know what feelings you're capable of, what things you may desire, or what kind of..." Again, she hesitates, the uncertainy behind her emotions clearly evident. "Bah. Nevermind. This is enough. Why complicate things."

Lei grins just as brightly as ever. "Well, hey, I'm probably about as close to a human as an actual human, Auri. Might even be better controlled than most, really." She gives a bit of a half-shrug, then hugs Auriel again, "As for desires? All I need is a power source and a connection to the internet; everything else is just bonuses on top."

Auriel frowns slightly, lifting a foreleg to return the hug, "I didn't mean desires as in physical needs. Moreso, the emotional desires."

Lei blinks and tilts her head again, but happily settles into the hug. "Like, what... companionship, close company and the like? Uh... that's a little hard to gauge, I guess? I'm not a psychologist or anything like that, just an IT specialist. And a... hazardous being security specialist, I guess."

Auriel nods. "I think, despite all my time in this world, I can't call myself an expert either. I have certainly come to enjoy your company, Lei, and I enjoy the time we spend together in this way..."

Lei giggles, nodding a bit. "Then hey... I might be an AI, but I guess that's something we're figuring out together, huh? The emotional desires and such, that is." She smiles warmly, "And I can say the same, too. It's exciting, interesting and really fun, all of it." She pauses for a moment before adding, "Especially this kind of stuff. The snuggles, you know? It feels really nice."

Auriel chuckles, "It does, yeah." She sighs again, taking a moment to give Lei a snug. "Hmph. Perhaps I am trying to overthink all of this when I should just let it do what it may."

Lei smiles at the snug. "If there's one thing I've learned in all the time I've been in this chassis, Auri? No one can prepare for everything, no matter how old they are." She chuckles, "That little detail frustrates some AIs, but others like myself find it a lot of fun that way, when things aren't quite completely predictable."

Auriel snorts. "Ahh, but I am a creature of habit. Still, perhaps it does me good to encounter the unknown sometimes. Like a new material I cannot break, and the new sensations that occur as a result."

Lei giggles again. "Yeah? Did you like it, by the by? I'd say it worked pretty nicely for our purposes~"

Auriel grins, squeezing Lei a bit tighter, "It did, yes. An impressive find. You do good work. When you apply yourself."

Lei smiles really happily as she's held close by Auriel. "Hehe... I guess that'd be what organics call 'hidden depths' or something, right? Maybe I should apply myself some more whenever we spend time together."

Auriel chuckles, "Perhaps. Though, perhaps in the future I could say using that again is cheating, hm?"

Lei flashes Auriel a playful wink. "Well, yes, but only if I spring it on you without warning. From here on out, we'll only be using it if we're both feeling in the mood for it~"

Auriel nods, "Hmm, quite. It would be quite boring if it were 'too' predictable, I suppose. So, yes, when we are both feeling it for certain. But sometimes, the only way to truly be on par with a Dragon is to cheat~."

Lei shakes her head in amusement. "It's hardly boring with you, Auri, no matter what we get up to. But hey, if a surprise is what you want, I can accommodate~"

Auriel nods, "I shall leave it up to you. I trust you, after all."

Lei smiles. "Then I'll do my best to make sure it's all good fun for us both!"

Auriel smiles back, her foreleg loosening its grip upon Lei to gently trace her claws along her back. "I shall do my best as well."

Lei giggles at the gentle touch, her chassis' muscles tensing pleasantly in response. "Hmm... you know, you do a wonderful job of that, as it is." She takes a moment to adjust herself against Auriel's scales, just getting more comfortable, "So... where do you think things will go, from here?"

Auriel takes a deep breath, continuing to gently caress Lei. "I... I don't know. Work shall remain as always." She pauses again. "Would you... want things to change? To be something more?"

Lei nods. "Work is work and home is home, as I've heard from others. I think I've done a pretty good job keeping the work and home bit separated since we first started all this." She smiles, "Change can be good for a lot of reasons, and I'd say yes on that alone, Auri. What would change between us, though, when you ask about being something more? It's definitely an important set of questions for you, too."

Auriel pauses to think on this a moment, growing silent. She lets out a snort, "Hmph. I suppose I don't fully know. More time spent together, outside of simply like this. I feel far too old to be 'dating' again..."

Lei giggles a bit. "Well, we don't necessarily have to call it dating or anything. I mean, humans have so many different ideas for things aside from dating."

Auriel hums. "Quite. Human dating and relationships... are difficult." There is a moment of pain in her face, the large draconic features hiding much from an untrained eye.

Lei doesn't have quite the instant bit of knowledge to know about dragon facial expressions, but she nonetheless gives Auriel a gentle squeeze, as best as she can manage for the larger dragon. "But that's with humans. Whatever it is we're going to end up being, it doesn't have to be complicated, you know."

Auriel sighs once again, letting loose a chuckle, "Ever the optomist, eh, Lei?"

Lei grins. "Yup, because there's no reason to look at things negatively when it could turn out good~"

Auriel takes a steady breath. "And you think it could turn out for good too then? You and I? I... I am sorry I must keep pushing this Lei. I belabor the point only because I... I have so much difficulty speaking my feelings in this way."

Lei chuckles and playfully pokes Auriel in the side with a finger. "Well, look at it this way, Auri. We've been doing this sort of thing together for... how long, now? It's all gone well so far, and you know I can keep work and home stuff separated super easily." She grins, "If it's not going to go well, you'd figure it'd have gone sour some time before now, right?"

Auriel smiles, "It... has seemed to only get better. I have come to like you, Lei. A great deal. More then is wise, perhaps... I do not wish to lose that."

Lei grins cheekily, a signal that Auriel no doubt can tell a playful jab is imminent. "I mean, even dragons can sometimes make unwise choices, right? Besides, you know I like you a lot, Auri, even if you can be a little stuffy at times." She winks, "But I wouldn't say no to liking you even more~"

Auriel 's smile grows just a bit, "Then, just know that that is me." She shifts a bit to put a claw to her chest, "THIS is me. 'Stuffy' though it may seem, it is who I am. If you are still interested, still... wishing to be close to me... then I would like that. V-very much."

Lei chuckles again. "Hey, I didn't say the stuffiness was a bad thing, Auri." She lightly rests her chin against Auriel's scales, "If you're interested in me in that way, then yeah, I'm definitely interested in you in that same fashion~"

Auriel chuckles lightly, "I... believe we are decided then. I... thank you."

Lei just smirks knowingly at Auriel, waiting to see if she'll say what she really wants to say.

Auriel watches Lei, waiting on a response that does not come, causing her to get a bit more flustered, "Err... I mean... I... am glad to be with you, err... like this? Together... now."

Lei continues to smile at Auriel. "You know, Auri, I never did think you were the sort to get this flustered over a few words." She reaches a hand up and rests it against the dragon's chest for a few seconds, then lifts it up further to lightly brush a few fingers against her chin, still grinning, "Try and relax a little, your heart's pounding."

Auriel snorts again, both further flustered, though acting quite insulted, by the notion, "Hmph... a few words. I... do not say them lightly, Lei, but if you are insisting I spell it out for you, then fine!" She takees a deep breath, shifting her head to nuzzle Lei gently. "I... think... no, I feel... that I... may... like you... enough to say... love, even. I love you, Lei."

Lei giggles a bit at the nuzzle, and also at the fact that she managed to get Auriel to say what she's been holding back. In turn, she lightly caresses her chin and presses her cheek against her smooth scales, then sneaks a cheeky little peck just to see Auriel's reaction. "Then, I think it's safe to say that I love you, too, Auri~"

Auriel breaths out a sigh of relief, a bit of tension draining out of her from the words more than the kiss or anything else. "I was a fool to think you might not... just because you are an AI doesn't mean... forgive me again, Lei. I'm an old fool, still struggling to learn."

Lei chuckles. "Nothing to apologize for, Auri. You're still way more flexible about AIs than you give yourself credit for. And if me being with you helps you learn, I'm all for helping!"

Auriel hmphs, but the tone is lighter, a bit more playful. "I try. I struggle with the ways I treated you and Sona when I first hired you. Especially... now. Having gotten to know you better."

Lei smiles warmly as she lets her hand lightly trace against Auriel's chest scales. "Sona and I both know how humans treated AIs early on. The AI Rebellion wouldn't have happened otherwise." She pokes the tip of a finger against her chest, "But I think Sona and I both can say with certainty that your attitude back then was far better than you think." She pauses, then smirks, "Unless, that is, you're asking me to, uh... give a punishment of some sort~?"

Auriel narrows her eyes. "That latex requires physical contact to activate, yes?"

Lei laughs at the look she gets. "Yes, physical touch or a close enough wireless contact." She nods towards her backpack, which is zipped up and stowed nearby, "And it has to be outside of its containment canister."

Auriel nods, then rolls over. She lifts Lei up off of her chest and shifts her down onto the bed, then pins her with a hand, settling a bit of her weight over the AI as she curls up on the bed. "Then by all means, 'punish me'. If you can."

Lei eeps as she's picked up and settled down on the sheets, then squirms a bit as Auriel pins her in place. "H-hey, Auri... that's a little unfair, don't you think?" She's clearly trying to not break into giggles, but the curling of her mouth shows it's a bit of a losing battle, "My chassis is... h-hehe... good, but not th-that good."

Auriel manages to keep a straight face much better, perhaps simply an easier task for a dragon. "Ah, perhaps it is unfair. But no, I am not asking for... 'punishment'. Shall we call it a truce for now?"

Lei breaks into a grin. "Sure, we can call a truce for now. But... don't worry yourself about how you might have viewed AIs before, okay, Auri? You feel guilty about it, and that's good enough for me, and we can always work through it all over time."

Auriel lifts her claw and smiles, then settles down upon the bed next to Lei, draping a wing over her like a blanket, in place of the claw. "I would appreciate that, Lei, I reall would."

Lei scoots close against Auriel, appreciative of the wing covering. She reaches a hand up and lightly pokes Auriel on the tip of her nose. "Then you got it. The more time we spend together, the more we can figure it all out~"

Auriel chuckles, nuzzling her snout against Lei. "Then that shall be yet another reason to spend together."

Lei giggles, grinning happily as she leans into the nuzzle. "As if we need any reasons at all, now~"

Auriel hums happily, "I suppose we don't need any real reason anymore, no."

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